
Reviews and other book related stuff.

Review for What you Don’t Know

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27280101I would estimate that 75% of what I read is crime fiction which sometimes means that certain books can feel familiar, I sometimes get the feeling that I’ve read it all before. Then suddenly along comes “another serial killer” novel that manages to be completely different and What you don’t Know is it.
For a start we already know who the killer is. Jacky Seever murdered 31 people and buried them in the crawl space under his house. Now, seven years later, the people who were closely involved in his capture are falling apart and another killer is preparing to remind everyone that Jacky Seever will not go quietly. Hoskins, Loren and Sammie are deeply flawed and all their behaviour is highly questionable at times but I never disliked any of them (even Loren whose line of enquiry involves inhabiting the character of the killer).This is a truly original crime novel that I devoured and I strongly suggest you do the same.

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